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Building a simple blog application with Gel and Next.js (App Router)

We're going to build a simple blog application with Next.js and Gel. Let's start by scaffolding our app with Next.js's create-next-app tool.

You'll be prompted to provide a name (we'll use nextjs-blog) for your app and choose project options. For this tutorial, we'll go with the recommended settings including TypeScript, App Router, and opt-ing out of the src/ directory.

npx create-next-app@latest
  ✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? Yes
  ✔ Would you like to use ESLint? Yes
  ✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? Yes
  ✔ Would you like to use src/ directory? No
  ✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) Yes
  ✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*) Yes

The scaffolding tool will create a simple Next.js app and install its dependencies. Once it's done, you can navigate to the app's directory and start the development server.

cd nextjs-blog
npm dev # or yarn dev or pnpm dev or bun run dev

When the dev server starts, it will log out a local URL. Visit that URL to see the default Next.js homepage. At this point the app's file structure looks like this:
├── page.tsx
├── layout.tsx
├── globals.css
└── favicon.ico
├── next.tsx
└── vercel.svg

There's an async function Home defined in app/page.tsx that renders the homepage. It's a Server Component which lets you integrate server-side logic directly into your React components. Server Components are executed on the server and can fetch data from a database or an API. We'll use this feature to load blog posts from an Gel database.

Let's start by implementing a simple homepage for our blog application using static data. Replace the contents of app/page.tsx with the following.

import Link from 'next/link'

type Post = {
  id: string
  title: string
  content: string

export default async function Home() {
  const posts: Post[] = [
      id: 'post1',
      title: 'This one weird trick makes using databases fun',
      content: 'Use Gel',
      id: 'post2',
      title: 'How to build a blog with Gel and Next.js',
      content: "Let's start by scaffolding our app with `create-next-app`.",

  return (
    <div className="container mx-auto p-4 bg-black text-white">
      <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold mb-4">Posts</h1>
        { => (

After saving, you can refresh the page to see the blog posts. Clicking on a post title will take you to a page that doesn't exist yet. We'll create that page later in the tutorial.

Now let's spin up a database for the app. You have two options to initialize an Gel project: using $ npx gel without installing the CLI, or installing the gel CLI directly. In this tutorial, we'll use the first option. If you prefer to install the CLI, see the Gel CLI guide for more information.

From the application's root directory, run the following command:

npx gel project init
No `gel.toml` found in `~/nextjs-blog` or above
Do you want to initialize a new project? [Y/n]
> Y
Specify the name of Gel instance to use with this project [default:
> nextjs_blog
Checking Gel versions...
Specify the version of Gel to use with this project [default: x.x]:
│ Project directory   │ ~/nextjs-blog                                │
│ Project config      │ ~/nextjs-blog/gel.toml                       │
│ Schema dir (empty)  │ ~/nextjs-blog/dbschema                       │
│ Installation method │ portable package                             │
│ Start configuration │ manual                                       │
│ Version             │ x.x                                          │
│ Instance name       │ nextjs_blog                                  │
Initializing Gel instance...
Applying migrations...
Everything is up to date. Revision initial.
Project initialized.

This process has spun up an Gel instance called nextjs_blog and associated it with your current directory. As long as you're inside that directory, CLI commands and client libraries will be able to connect to the linked instance automatically, without additional configuration.

To test this, run the gel command to open a REPL to the linked instance.

Gel x.x (repl x.x)
Type \help for help, \quit to quit.
gel> select 2 + 2;

From inside this REPL, we can execute EdgeQL queries against our database. But there's not much we can do currently, since our database is schemaless. Let's change that.

The project initialization process also created a new subdirectory in our project called dbschema. This is folder that contains everything pertaining to Gel. Currently it looks like this:

├── default.gel
└── migrations

The default.gel file will contain our schema. The migrations directory is currently empty, but will contain our migration files. Let's update the contents of default.gel with the following simple blog schema.

module default {
  type BlogPost {
    required title: str;
    required content: str {
      default := ""

Gel lets you split up your schema into different modules but it's common to keep your entire schema in the default module.

Save the file, then let's create our first migration.

npx gel migration create
did you create object type 'default::BlogPost'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00001.edgeql

The dbschema/migrations directory now contains a migration file called 00001.edgeql. Currently though, we haven't applied this migration against our database. Let's do that.

npx gel migrate
Applied m1fee6oypqpjrreleos5hmivgfqg6zfkgbrowx7sw5jvnicm73hqdq (00001.edgeql)

Our database now has a schema consisting of the BlogPost type. We can create some sample data from the REPL. Run the gel command to re-open the REPL.

Gel x.x (repl x.x)
Type \help for help, \quit to quit.

Then execute the following insert statements.

insert BlogPost {
  title := "This one weird trick makes using databases fun",
  content := "Use Gel"
{default::BlogPost {id: 7f301d02-c780-11ec-8a1a-a34776e884a0}}
insert BlogPost {
  title := "How to build a blog with Gel and Next.js",
  content := "Let's start by scaffolding our app..."
{default::BlogPost {id: 88c800e6-c780-11ec-8a1a-b3a3020189dd}}

Now that we have a couple posts in the database, let's load them into our Next.js app. To do that, we'll need the gel client library. Let's install that from NPM:

npm install gel
# or 'yarn add gel' or 'pnpm add gel' or 'bun add gel'

Then go to the app/page.tsx file to replace the static data with the blogposts fetched from the database.

To fetch these from the homepage, we'll create an Gel client and use the .query() method to fetch all the posts in the database with a select statement.

import Link from 'next/link'
import { createClient } from 'gel';

type Post = {
  id: string
  title: string
  content: string
const client = createClient();

export default async function Home() {
  const posts: Post[] = [
      id: 'post1',
      title: 'This one weird trick makes using databases fun',
      content: 'Use Gel',
      id: 'post2',
      title: 'How to build a blog with Gel and Next.js',
      content: "Start by scaffolding our app with `create-next-app`.",
  const posts = await client.query<Post>(`\
   select BlogPost {

  return (
    <div className="container mx-auto p-4 bg-black text-white">
Show 19 hidden lines...

When you refresh the page, you should see the blog posts.

Since we're using TypeScript, it makes sense to use Gel's powerful query builder. This provides a schema-aware client API that makes writing strongly typed EdgeQL queries easy and painless. The result type of our queries will be automatically inferred, so we won't need to manually type something like type Post = { id: string; ... }.

First, install the generator to your project.

npm install --save-dev @gel/generate
# or yarn add --dev @gel/generate
# or pnpm add --dev @gel/generate
# or bun add --dev @gel/generate

Then generate the query builder with the following command.

npx @gel/generate edgeql-js
Generating query builder...
Detected tsconfig.json, generating TypeScript files.
   To override this, use the --target flag.
   Run `npx @gel/generate --help` for full options.
Introspecting database schema...
Writing files to ./dbschema/edgeql-js
Generation complete! 🤘
Checking the generated query builder into version control
is not recommended. Would you like to update .gitignore to ignore
the query builder directory? The following line will be added:


[y/n] (leave blank for "y")
> y

This command introspected the schema of our database and generated some code in the dbschema/edgeql-js directory. It also asked us if we wanted to add the generated code to our .gitignore; typically it's not good practice to include generated files in version control.

Back in app/page.tsx, let's update our code to use the query builder instead.

import Link from 'next/link'
import { createClient } from 'gel';
import e from '@/dbschema/edgeql-js';

type Post = {
  id: string
  title: string
  content: string
const client = createClient();

export default async function Home() {
  const posts = await client.query(`\
   select BlogPost {
  const selectPosts =, () => ({
    id: true,
    title: true,
    content: true,
  const posts = await;

  return (
    <div className="container mx-auto p-4 bg-black text-white">
Show 19 hidden lines...

Instead of writing our query as a plain string, we're now using the query builder to declare our query in a code-first way. As you can see, we import the query builder as a single default import e from the dbschema/edgeql-js directory.

Now, when we update our selectPosts query, the type of our dynamically loaded posts variable will update automatically — no need to keep our type definitions in sync with our API logic!

Our homepage renders a list of links to each of our blog posts, but we haven't implemented the page that actually displays the posts. Let's create a new page at app/post/[id]/page.tsx. This is a dynamic route that includes an id URL parameter. We'll use this parameter to fetch the appropriate post from the database.

Add the following code in app/post/[id]/page.tsx:

import { createClient } from 'gel'
import e from '@/dbschema/edgeql-js'
import Link from 'next/link'

const client = createClient()

export default async function Post({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) {
  const post = await e
    .select(e.BlogPost, (post) => ({
      id: true,
      title: true,
      content: true,
      filter_single: e.op(, '=', e.uuid(,

  if (!post) {
    return <div>Post not found</div>

  return (
    <div className="container mx-auto p-4 bg-black text-white">
          className="text-blue-500 mb-4 block"
          Back to list
      <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold mb-4">{post.title}</h1>

We are again using a Server Component to fetch the post from the database. This time, we're using the filter_single method to filter the BlogPost type by its id. We're also using the uuid function from the query builder to convert the id parameter to a UUID.

Now, click on one of the blog post links on the homepage. This should bring you to /post/<uuid>.

You can deploy an Gel instance on the Gel Cloud or on your preferred cloud provider. We'll cover both options here.

#1 Deploy Gel

First, sign up for an account at and create a new instance. Create and make note of a secret key for your Gel Cloud instance. You can create a new secret key from the "Secret Keys" tab in the Gel Cloud console. We'll need this later to connect to the database from Vercel.

Run the following command to migrate the project to the Gel Cloud:

npx gel migrate -I <org>/<instance-name>

Alternatively, if you want to restore your data from a local instance to the cloud, you can use the gel dump and gel restore commands.

npx gel dump <your-dump.dump>
npx gel restore -I <org>/<instance-name> <your-dump.dump>

The migrations and schema will be automatically applied to the cloud instance.

#2 Set up a `prebuild` script

Add the following prebuild script to your package.json. When Vercel initializes the build, it will trigger this script which will generate the query builder. The npx @gel/generate edgeql-js command will read the value of the GEL_SECRET_KEY and GEL_INSTANCE variables, connect to the database, and generate the query builder before Vercel starts building the project.

Show 3 hidden lines...
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start",
  "lint": "next lint",
  "prebuild": "npx @gel/generate edgeql-js"

#3 Deploy to Vercel

Push your project to GitHub or some other Git remote repository. Then deploy this app to Vercel with the button below.

In "Configure Project," expand "Environment Variables" to add two variables:

  • GEL_INSTANCE containing your Gel Cloud instance name (in <org>/<instance-name> format)

  • GEL_SECRET_KEY containing the secret key you created and noted previously.

#4 View the application

Once deployment has completed, view the application at the deployment URL supplied by Vercel.

#1 Deploy Gel

Check out the following guides for deploying Gel to your preferred cloud provider:

#2 Find your instance's DSN

The DSN is also known as a connection string. It will have the format gel://username:password@hostname:port. The exact instructions for this depend on which cloud you are deploying to.

#3 Apply migrations

Use the DSN to apply migrations against your remote instance.

npx gel migrate --dsn <your-instance-dsn> --tls-security insecure

You have to disable TLS checks with --tls-security insecure. All Gel instances use TLS by default, but configuring it is out of scope of this project.

Once you've applied the migrations, consider creating some sample data in your database. Open a REPL and insert some blog posts:

npx gel --dsn <your-instance-dsn> --tls-security insecure
Gel x.x (repl x.x)
Type \help for help, \quit to quit.
gel> insert BlogPost { title := "Test post" };
{default::BlogPost {id: c00f2c9a-cbf5-11ec-8ecb-4f8e702e5789}}

#4 Set up a `prebuild` script

Add the following prebuild script to your package.json. When Vercel initializes the build, it will trigger this script which will generate the query builder. The npx @gel/generate edgeql-js command will read the value of the GEL_DSN variable, connect to the database, and generate the query builder before Vercel starts building the project.

Show 3 hidden lines...
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start",
  "lint": "next lint",
  "prebuild": "npx @gel/generate edgeql-js"

#5 Deploy to Vercel

Deploy this app to Vercel with the button below.

When prompted:

  • Set GEL_DSN to your database's DSN

  • Set GEL_CLIENT_TLS_SECURITY to insecure. This will disable Gel's default TLS checks; configuring TLS is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Setting environment variables in Vercel

#6 View the application

Once deployment has completed, view the application at the deployment URL supplied by Vercel.

This tutorial demonstrates how to work with Gel in a Next.js app, using the App Router. We've created a simple blog application that loads posts from a database and displays them on the homepage. We've also created a dynamic route that fetches a single post from the database and displays it on a separate page.

The next step is to add a /newpost page with a form for writing new blog posts and saving them into Gel. That's left as an exercise for the reader.

To see the final code for this tutorial, refer to