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Schema migration tips

This example shows how a property may evolve to be more and more strict over time by looking at a user name field. However, similar evolution may be applicable to other properties that start off with few restrictions and gradually become more constrained and formalized as the needs of the project evolve.

We'll start with a fairly simple schema:

type User {
  name: str;

At this stage we don't think that this property needs to be unique or even required. Perhaps it's only used as a screen name and not as a way of identifying users.

gel migration create
did you create object type 'default::User'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00001.edgeql, id:
gel migrate
Applied m14gwyorqqipfg7riexvbdq5dhgv7x6buqw2jaaulilcmywinmakzq

We've got our first migration to set up the schema. Now after using that for a little while we realize that we want to make name a required property. So we make the following change in the schema file:

type User {
  required name: str;

Next we try to migrate:

gel migration create
did you make property 'name' of object type 'default::User' required?
> y
Please specify an expression to populate existing objects in order to make
property 'name' of object type 'default::User' required:
fill_expr> 'change me'

Oh! That's right, we can't just make name required because there could be existing User objects without a name at all. So we need to provide some kind of placeholder value for those cases. We type 'change me' (although any other string would do, too). This is different from specifying a default value since it will be applied to existing objects, whereas the default applies to new ones.

Unseen to us (unless we take a look at the automatically generated .edgeql files inside our /dbschema folder), Gel has created a migration script that includes the following command to make our schema change happen.

ALTER TYPE default::User {
        SET REQUIRED USING (<std::str>'change me');

We then run gel migrate to apply the changes.

Next we realize that we actually want to make names unique, perhaps to avoid confusion or to use them as reliable human-readable identifiers (unlike id). We update the schema again:

type User {
  required name: str {
    constraint exclusive;

Now we proceed with the migration:

gel migration create
did you create constraint 'std::exclusive' of property 'name'?
> y
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql, id:
gel migrate
gel error: ConstraintViolationError: name violates exclusivity

Some objects must have the same name, so the migration can't be applied. We have a couple of options for fixing this:

  1. Review the existing data and manually update the entries with duplicate names so that they are unique.

  2. Edit the migration to add an update which will de-duplicate name for any potential existing User objects.

The first option is good for situations where we want to signal to any other maintainer of a copy of this project that they need to make a decision about handling name duplicates in whatever way is appropriate to them without making an implicit decision once and for all.

Here we will go with the second option, which is good for situations where we know enough about the situation that we can make a decision now and never have to duplicate this effort for any other potential copies of our project.

We edit the last migration file 00003.edgeql:

CREATE MIGRATION m1dxs3xbk4f3vhmqh6mjzetojafddtwlphp5a3kfbfuyvupjafevya
    ONTO m1ndhbxx7yudb2dv7zpypl2su2oygyjlggk3olryb5uszofrfml4uq
  with U := default::User
  update default::User
  filter = .name and U != default::User
  set {
    # De-duplicate names by appending a random uuid.
    name := .name ++ '_' ++ <str>uuid_generate_v1mc()

  ALTER TYPE default::User {
      ALTER PROPERTY name {
          CREATE CONSTRAINT std::exclusive;
Show 3 hidden lines...

And then we apply the migration:

gel migrate
gel error: could not read migrations in ./dbschema/migrations: could not
read migration file ./dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql: migration name
should be `m1t6slgcfne35vir2lcgnqkmaxsxylzvn2hanr6mijbj5esefsp7za` but `
m1dxs3xbk4f3vhmqh6mjzetojafddtwlphp5a3kfbfuyvupjafevya` is used instead.
Migration names are computed from the hash of the migration contents. To
proceed you must fix the statement to read as:
  CREATE MIGRATION m1t6slgcfne35vir2lcgnqkmaxsxylzvn2hanr6mijbj5esefsp7za
  ONTO ...
if this migration is not applied to any database. Alternatively, revert the
changes to the file.

The migration tool detected that we've altered the file and asks us to update the migration name (acting as a checksum) if this was deliberate. This is done as a precaution against accidental changes. Since we've done this on purpose, we can update the file and run gel migrate again.

Finally, we evolved our schema all the way from having an optional property name all the way to making it both required and exclusive. We've worked with the Gel migration tools to iron out the kinks throughout the migration process. At this point we take a quick look at the way duplicate User objects were resolved to decide whether we need to do anything more. We can use re_test() to find names that look like they are ending in a UUID:

select User { name }
    re_test('.* [a-z0-9]{8}(-[a-z0-9]{4}){3}-[a-z0-9]{12}$', .name);
  default::User {name: 'change me bc30d45a-2bcf-11ec-a6c2-6ff21f33a302'},
  default::User {name: 'change me bc30d8a6-2bcf-11ec-a6c2-4f739d559598'},

Looks like the only duplicates are the users that had no names originally and that never updated the 'change me' placeholders, so we can probably let them be for now. In hindsight, it may have been a good idea to use UUID-based names to populate the empty properties from the very beginning.

This example shows how to change the type of a property. We'll use a character in an adventure game as the type of data we will evolve.

Let's start with this schema:

type Character {
  required name: str;
  required description: str;

We edit the schema file and perform our first migration:

gel migration create
did you create object type 'default::Character'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00001.edgeql, id:
gel migrate
Applied m1paw3ogpsdtxaoywd6pl6beg2g64zj4ykhd43zby4eqh64yjad47a

The intent is for the description to provide some text which serves both as something to be shown to the player as well as determining some game actions. Se we end up with something like this:

select Character {name, description};
  default::Character {name: 'Alice', description: 'Tall and strong'},
  default::Character {name: 'Billie', description: 'Smart and aloof'},
  default::Character {name: 'Cameron', description: 'Dashing and smooth'},

However, as we keep developing our game it becomes apparent that this is less of a "description" and more of a "character class", so at first we just rename the property to reflect that:

type Character {
  required name: str;
  required class: str;

The migration gives us this:

gel migration create
did you rename property 'description' of object type 'default::Character'
to 'class'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00002.edgeql, id:
gel migrate
Applied m1ljrgrofsqkvo5hsxc62mnztdhlerxp6ucdto262se6dinhuj4mqq

Gel detected that the change looked like a property was being renamed, which we confirmed. Since this was an existing property being renamed, the data is all preserved:

select Character {name, class};
  default::Character {name: 'Alice', class: 'Tall and strong'},
  default::Character {name: 'Billie', class: 'Smart and aloof'},
  default::Character {name: 'Cameron', class: 'Dashing and smooth'},

The contents of the class property are a bit too verbose, so we decide to update them. In order for this update to be consistently applied across several developers, we will make it in the form of a data migration:

gel migration create --allow-empty
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql, id:

Now we can edit the file 00003.edgeql directly:

CREATE MIGRATION m1qv2pdksjxxzlnujfed4b6to2ppuodj3xqax4p3r75yfef7kd7jna
    ONTO m1ljrgrofsqkvo5hsxc62mnztdhlerxp6ucdto262se6dinhuj4mqq
    update default::Character
    set {
        class :=
            'warrior' if .class = 'Tall and strong' else
            'scholar' if .class = 'Smart and aloof' else

We're ready to apply the migration:

gel migrate
gel error: could not read migrations in ./dbschema/migrations:
could not read migration file ./dbschema/migrations/00003.edgeql:
migration name should be
but `m1qv2pdksjxxzlnujfed4b6to2ppuodj3xqax4p3r75yfef7kd7jna` is used
Migration names are computed from the hash of the migration
contents. To proceed you must fix the statement to read as:
  CREATE MIGRATION m1ryafvp24g5eqjeu65zr4bqf6m3qath3lckfdhoecfncmr7zshehq
  ONTO ...
if this migration is not applied to any database. Alternatively,
revert the changes to the file.

The migration tool detected that we've altered the file and asks us to update the migration name (acting as a checksum) if this was deliberate. This is done as a precaution against accidental changes. Since we've done this on purpose, we can update the file and run gel migrate again.

As the game becomes more stable there's no reason for the class to be a str anymore, instead we can use an enum to make sure that we don't accidentally use some invalid value for it.

scalar type CharacterClass extending enum<warrior, scholar, rogue>;

type Character {
  required name: str;
  required class: CharacterClass;

Fortunately, we've already updated the class strings to match the enum values, so that a simple cast will convert all the values. If we had not done this earlier we would need to do it now in order for the type change to work.

gel migration create
did you create scalar type 'default::CharacterClass'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
did you alter the type of property 'class' of object type
'default::Character'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00004.edgeql, id:
gel migrate
Applied m1hc4yynkejef2hh7fvymvg3f26nmynpffksg7yvfksqufif6lulgq

The final migration converted all the class property values:

select Character {name, class};
  default::Character {name: 'Alice', class: warrior},
  default::Character {name: 'Billie', class: scholar},
  default::Character {name: 'Cameron', class: rogue},

You can recover lost migration files, writing the database's current migration history to /dbschema/migrations by using the gel migration extract.

The following query will return the most current migration:

 module schema,
 lastMigration := (
   select Migration filter not exists .<parents[is Migration]
select lastMigration {*};