Deploying Gel to Heroku
In this guide we show how to deploy Gel to Heroku using a Heroku PostgreSQL add-on as the backend.
Because of Heroku's architecture Gel must be deployed with a web app on Heroku. For this guide we will use a todo app written in Node.
First copy the code, initialize a new git repo, and create a new heroku app.
npx degit 'geldata/simpletodo#main' simpletodo-heroku
cd simpletodo-heroku
git init --initial-branch main
heroku apps:create --buildpack heroku/nodejs
gel project init --non-interactive
If you are using the JS query builder for Gel then
you will need to check the dbschema/edgeql-js
directory in to your git
repo after running yarn edgeql-js
. The edgeql-js
command cannot be
run during the build step on Heroku because it needs access to a running
Gel instance which is not available at build time on Heroku.
yarn install && npx @gel/generate edgeql-js
The dbschema/edgeql-js
directory was added to the .gitignore
in the
upstream project so we'll remove it here.
sed -i '/^dbschema\/edgeql-js$/d' .gitignore
Create a PostgreSQL Add-on
Heroku's smallest PostgreSQL plan, Hobby Dev, limits the number of rows to 10,000, but Gel's standard library uses more than 20,000 rows so we need to use a different plan. We'll use the Standard 0 plan for this guide.
heroku addons:create --wait heroku-postgresql:standard-0
Add the Gel Buildpack
To run Gel on Heroku we'll add the Gel buildpack.
heroku buildpacks:add \
--index 1 \
Use start-gel
in the Procfile
To make Gel available to a process prepend the command with start-gel
which is provided by the Gel buildpack. For the sample application in this
guide, the web process is started with the command npm start
. If you have
other processes in your application besides/instead of web that need to access
Gel those process commands should be prepended with start-gel
echo "web: start-gel npm start" > Procfile
Deploy the App
Commit the changes and push to Heroku to deploy the app.
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git push heroku main
Scale the web dyno
The default dyno size has 512MB of memory which is a little under powered to run Gel. Scale the dyno so that it has 1GB of memory available.
heroku ps:type web=standard-2x
Health Checks
Using an HTTP client, you can perform health checks to monitor the status of your Gel instance. Learn how to use them with our health checks guide.