Deploying Gel to DigitalOcean
In this guide we show how to deploy Gel to DigitalOcean either with a One-click Deploy option or a managed PostgreSQL database as the backend.
One-click Deploy
CLI (install) -
DigitalOcean account
Click the button below and follow the droplet creation workflow on DigitalOcean to deploy an Gel instance.
By default, the admin password is gelpassword
; let's change that to
something more secure. First, find your droplet's IP address on the
DigitalOcean dashboard and assign
it to an environment variable IP
Then use the read
command to securely assign a value to the PASSWORD
environment variable.
echo -n "> " && read -s PASSWORD
Use these variables to change the password for the default role admin
printf gelpassword | gel query \
--host $IP \
--password-from-stdin \
--tls-security insecure \
"alter role admin set password := '${PASSWORD}'"
Construct the DSN
Let's construct your instance's DSN (also known as a "connection string").
We'll write the value to a file called dsn.txt
so it doesn't get stored in
shell logs.
echo gel://admin:$PASSWORD@$IP > dsn.txt
Copy the value from dsn.txt
. Run the following command to open a REPL
to the new instance.
gel --dsn <dsn> --tls-security insecure
Success! You're now connected to your remote instance.
It's often useful to assign an alias to the remote instance using
gel instance link
gel instance link \
--dsn <dsn> \
--trust-tls-cert \
--non-interactive \
Authenticating to gel://admin@ Trusting unknown server certificate: SHA1:1880da9527be464e2cad3bdb20dfc430a6af5727 Successfully linked to remote instance. To connect run: gel -I my_instance
You can now use the -I
CLI flag to execute commands against your remote
gel -I my_instance
Deploy with Managed PostgreSQL
Create a managed PostgreSQL instance
If you already have a PostgreSQL instance you can skip this step.
DSN="$( \
doctl databases create gel-postgres \
--engine pg \
--version 14 \
--size db-s-1vcpu-1gb \
--num-nodes 1 \
--region sfo3 \
--output json \
| jq -r '.[0].connection.uri' )"
Provision a droplet
Replace $SSH_KEY_IDS
with the ids for the ssh keys you want to ssh into the
new droplet with. Separate multiple values with a comma. You can list your
keys with doctl compute ssh-key list
. If you don't have any ssh keys in
your DigitalOcean account you can follow this guide to
add one now.
IP="$( \
doctl compute droplet create gel \
--image gel \
--region sfo3 \
--size s-2vcpu-4gb \
--ssh-keys $SSH_KEY_IDS \
--format PublicIPv4 \
--no-header \
--wait )"
Configure the backend Postgres DSN. To simplify the initial deployment, let's instruct Gel to run in insecure mode (with password authentication off and an autogenerated TLS certificate). We will secure the instance once things are up and running.
\nGEL_SERVER_SECURITY=insecure_dev_mode\n" \
| ssh root@$IP -T "cat > /etc/gel/env"
ssh root@$IP "systemctl restart gel.service"
Set the superuser password.
echo -n "> " && read -s PASSWORD
gel -H $IP --tls-security insecure query \
"alter role admin set password := '$PASSWORD'"
Set the security policy to strict.
| ssh root@$IP -T "cat > /etc/gel/env"
ssh root@$IP "systemctl restart gel.service"
To upgrade an existing Gel droplet to the latest point release, ssh
into your droplet and run the following.
apt-get update && apt-get install --only-upgrade gel-server-6
systemctl restart gel
That's it! Refer to the Construct the DSN section above to connect to your instance.
The command groups gel instance
and gel project
are not
intended to manage production instances.
Health Checks
Using an HTTP client, you can perform health checks to monitor the status of your Gel instance. Learn how to use them with our health checks guide.