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gel instance create​

Initialize a new Gel instance.

gel instance create [options] [name] [default-branch-or-database]

gel instance create is a terminal command for making a new Gel instance and creating a corresponding credentials file in <gel_config_dir>/credentials. Run gel info to see the path to <gel_config_dir> on your machine.

The gel instance create command is not intended for use with self-hosted instances. You can follow one of our deployment guides for information on how to create one of these instances.

Gel Cloud users may use this command to create a Cloud instance after logging in using gel cloud login.

To create a Cloud instance, your instance name should be in the format <org-name>/<instance-name>. Cloud instance names may contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens (i.e., -).

Please be aware of the following restrictions on Gel Cloud instance names:

  • can contain only Latin alpha-numeric characters or -

  • cannot start with a dash (-) or contain double dashes (--)

  • maximum instance name length is 61 characters minus the length of your organization name (i.e., length of organization name + length of instance name must be fewer than 62 characters)


The new Gel instance name. Asked interactively if not specified.


The default branch name on the new instance. Defaults to main or, when creating a pre-v5 instance, edgedb.


Use the nightly server for this instance.


Specifies the default user name (created during initialization, and saved in credentials file). Defaults to: admin, or, when creating a pre-v6 instance, edgedb.


Specifies which port should the instance be configured on. By default a random port will be used and recorded in the credentials file.


Configures how the new instance should start: auto for automatic start with the system or user session, manual to turn that off so that the instance can be manually started with gel instance start on demand. Defaults to: auto.


Indicate the channel of the new instance. Possible values are stable, testing, or nightly.


Specifies the version of the Gel server to be used to run the new instance. To list the currently available options use gel server list-versions.

By default, when you specify a version, the CLI will use the latest release in the major version specified. This command, for example, will install the latest X.Y release:

gel instance create --version X.0 demoxy

You may pin to a specific version by prepending the version number with an equals sign. This command will install version X.Y:

gel instance create --version =X.Y demoxy

Some shells like ZSH may require you to escape the equals sign (e.g., \=X.Y) or quote the version string (e.g., "=X.Y").


The region in which to create the instance (for Gel Cloud instances). Possible values are aws-us-west-2, aws-us-east-2, and aws-eu-west-1.


Cloud instance subscription tier for the new instance. Possible values are pro and free.


The size of compute to be allocated for the Gel Cloud instance (in Compute Units)


The size of storage to be allocated for the Cloud instance (in Gigabytes)