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Link properties​

Links, like objects, can also contain properties. These are used to store metadata about the link. Due to how they're persisted under the hood, link properties have a few additional constraints: they're always single and optional.

Link properties require non-trivial syntax to use them, so they are considered to be an advanced feature. In many cases, regular properties should be used instead. To paraphrase a famous quote: "Link properties are like a parachute, you don't need them very often, but when you do, they can be clutch."

In practice, link properties are best used with many-to-many relationships (multi links without any exclusive constraints). For one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-one relationships the same data should be stored in object properties instead.

Let's a create a Person.friends link with a strength property corresponding to the strength of the friendship.

type Person {
  required name: str { constraint exclusive };

  multi friends: Person {
    strength: float64;

Now let's ensure that the @strength property is always non-negative:

type Person {
  required name: str { constraint exclusive };

  multi friends: Person {
    strength: float64;

    constraint expression on (
      __subject__@strength >= 0

To add an index on a link property, we have to refactor our code and define an abstract link friendship that will contain the strength property with an index on it:

abstract link friendship {
  strength: float64;
  index on (__subject__@strength);

type Person {
  required name: str { constraint exclusive };

  multi friends: Person {
    extending friendship;

What if we want to insert a Person object while linking it to another Person that's already in the database?

The @strength property then will be specified in the shape of a select subquery:

insert Person {
  name := "Bob",
  friends := (
    select detached Person {
      @strength := 3.14
    filter .name = "Alice"

We are using the detached operator to unbind the Person reference from the scope of the insert query.

When doing a nested insert, link properties can be directly included in the inner insert subquery:

insert Person {
  name := "Bob",
  friends := (
    insert Person {
      name := "Jane",
      @strength := 3.14

Similarly, with can be used to capture an expression returning an object type, after which a link property can be added when linking it to another object type:

  alice := (

    insert Person {
      name := "Alice"
    unless conflict on .name
    else (
      select Person
      filter .name = "Alice" limit 1

insert Person {
  name := "Bob",
  friends := alice {
    @strength := 3.14
update Person
filter .name = "Bob"
set {
  friends += (
    select .friends {
      @strength := 3.7
    filter .name = "Alice"

The example updates the @strength property of Bob's friends link to Alice to 3.7.

In the context of multi links the += operator works like an an insert/update operator.

To update one or more links in a multi link, you can select from the current linked objects, as the example does. Use a detached selection if you want to insert/update a wider selection of linked objects instead.

To select a link property, you can use the @<>name syntax inside the select shape. Keep in mind, that you're not selecting a property on an object with this syntax, but rather on the link, in this case friends:

select Person {
  friends: {
  default::Person {name: 'Alice', friends: {}},
  default::Person {
    name: 'Bob',
    friends: {
      default::Person {name: 'Alice', @strength: 3.7}

A link property cannot be referenced in a set union except in the case of a for loop. That means this will not work:

# 🚫 Does not work
insert Movie {
  title := 'The Incredible Hulk',
  actors := {(
    select Person {
      @character_name := 'The Hulk'
    } filter .name = 'Mark Ruffalo'
    select Person {
      @character_name := 'Iron Man'
    } filter .name = 'Robert Downey Jr.'

That query will produce an error: QueryError: invalid reference to link property in top level shape

You can use this workaround instead:

# ✅ Works!
insert Movie {
  title := 'The Incredible Hulk',

  actors := assert_distinct((
    with characters := {
      ('The Hulk', 'Mark Ruffalo'),
      ('Iron Man', 'Robert Downey Jr.')
    for character in characters union (
        select Person {
            @character_name := character.0
        } filter .name = character.1

Note that we are also required to wrap the actors query with assert_distinct() here to assure the compiler that the result set is distinct.