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This can be used to store and efficiently retrieve text embeddings, such as those produced by OpenAI.

The Postgres that comes packaged with the Gel server includes pgvector, as does Gel Cloud. It you are using a separate Postgres backend, you will need to arrange for it to be installed.

To activate this new functionality you can use the extension mechanism:

using extension pgvector;

That will give you access to the ext::pgvector module where you may find the ext::pgvector::vector type as well as the following functions:

  • euclidean_distance(a: vector, b: vector) -> std::float64

  • neg_inner_product(a: vector, b: vector) -> std::float64

  • cosine_distance(a: vector, b: vector) -> std::float64

  • euclidean_norm(a: vector, b: vector) -> std::float64

You also get access to the following three indexes, each corresponding to one of the vector distance functions:

  • index ivfflat_euclidean(named only lists: int64)

  • index ivfflat_ip(named only lists: int64)

  • index ivfflat_cosine(named only lists: int64)

Added in v5.0

ext::pgvector now also includes Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) indexes:

  • index hnsw_euclidean

  • index hnsw_ip

  • index hnsw_cosine

When defining a new type, you can now add vector properties. However, in order to be able to use indexes, the vectors in question need to be of fixed length. This can be achieved by creating a custom scalar extending the vector and specifying the desired length in angle brackets:

scalar type v3 extending ext::pgvector::vector<3>;

type Item {
    embedding: v3

To populate your data, you can cast an array of any of the numeric types into ext::pgvector::vector or simply assign that array directly:

insert Item {embedding := <v3>[1.2, 3, 4.5]};
{default::Item {id: f119d64e-0995-11ee-8804-ff8cd739d8b7}}
insert Item {embedding := [-0.1, 7, 0]};
{default::Item {id: f410c844-0995-11ee-8804-176f28167dd1}}

You can also cast the vectors into an array<float32>>:

select <array<float32>>Item.embedding;
{[1.2, 3, 4.5], [-0.1, 7, 0]}

You can query the nearest neighbour by ordering based on euclidean_distance:

select Item {*}
order by ext::pgvector::euclidean_distance(
  .embedding, <v3>[3, 1, 2])
empty last
limit 1;
  default::Item {
    id: f119d64e-0995-11ee-8804-ff8cd739d8b7,
    embedding: [1.2, 3, 4.5],

You can also just retrieve all results within a certain distance:

select Item {*}
filter ext::pgvector::euclidean_distance(
  .embedding, <v3>[3, 1, 2]) < 5;
  default::Item {
    id: f119d64e-0995-11ee-8804-ff8cd739d8b7,
    embedding: [1.2, 3, 4.5],

The functions mentioned earlier can be used to calculate various useful vector distances:

select Item {
  distance := ext::pgvector::euclidean_distance(
    .embedding, <v3>[3, 1, 2]),
  inner_product := -ext::pgvector::neg_inner_product(
    .embedding, <v3>[3, 1, 2]),
  cosine_similarity := 1 - ext::pgvector::cosine_distance(
    .embedding, <v3>[3, 1, 2]),
  default::Item {
    id: f119d64e-0995-11ee-8804-ff8cd739d8b7,
    distance: 3.6728735110725803,
    inner_product: 15.600000143051147,
    cosine_similarity: 0.7525964057358976,
  default::Item {
    id: f410c844-0995-11ee-8804-176f28167dd1,
    distance: 7.043436619202443,
    inner_product: 6.699999988079071,
    cosine_similarity: 0.2557810894509498,

To speed up queries three slightly different IVFFlat indexes can be added to the type, each of them optimizing one of the distance calculating functions:

type Item {
    embedding: v3;

  index ext::pgvector::ivfflat_euclidean(lists := 10) on (.embedding);
  index ext::pgvector::ivfflat_ip(lists := 10) on (.embedding);
  index ext::pgvector::ivfflat_cosine(lists := 10) on (.embedding);

In order to take advantage of an index, your query must:

  1. Use order by using the function that corresponds to the index

  2. Specify empty last as part of the order by clause

  3. Provide a limit clause specifying how many results to return

Note that unlike normal indexes, hitting an IVFFlat index changes the query behavior: it does a (hopefully fast) approximate search instead of (usually slow) exact one.

As per the pgvector recommendations, the keys to achieving good recall are:

  1. Create the index after the table has some data

  2. Choose an appropriate number of lists - a good place to start is objects / 1000 for up to 1M objects and sqrt(objects) for over 1M objects

  3. When querying, specify an appropriate number of probes (higher is better for recall, lower is better for speed) - a good place to start is sqrt( lists). The number of probes can be set by ext::pgvector::set_probes() function.

Use our newly introduced analyze feature to debug query performance and make sure that the indexes are being used.

The ext::pgvector::set_probes() function configures the number of probes to use in approximate index searches. It is scoped to the current transaction, so if you call it from within a transaction, it persists until the transaction is finished. The recommended way to use it, however, is to take advantage of the implicit transactions provided by multi-statement queries:

result = client.query("""
    select set_probes(10);
    select Item { id, name }
    order by ext::pgvector::euclidean_distance(
      .embedding, <v3>$vector)
    empty last
    limit 1;
""", vector=vector)
Added in v5.0

We have updated the mechanism for tuning all of the indexes provided in this extension. The probes (for IVFFlat) and ef_search (for HNSW) parameters can now be accessed via the ext::pgvector::Config object.

Examine the extensions link of the cfg::Config object to check the current config values:

select cfg::Config.extensions[is ext::pgvector::Config]{*};
  ext::pgvector::Config {
    id: 12b5c70f-0bb8-508a-845f-ca3d41103b6f,
    probes: 1,
    ef_search: 40,

In order to see the specific extension config properties you need to use the type filter [is ext::pgvector::Config]

Update the value using the configure session or the configure current branch command depending on the scope you prefer:

configure session
set ext::pgvector::Config::probes := 5;

You may also restore the default config value using configure session reset if you set it on the session or configure current branch reset if you set it on the branch:

configure session reset ext::pgvector::Config::probes;