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Object Types

Object types are the primary components of a Gel schema. They are analogous to SQL tables or ORM models, and consist of properties and links.

Properties are used to attach primitive/scalar data to an object type. For the full documentation on properties, see Properties.

type Person {
  email: str;

Using in a query:

select Person {

There's no need to manually declare a primary key on your object types. All object types automatically contain a property id of type UUID that's required, globally unique, readonly, and has an index on it. The id is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed.

Using in a query:

select Person { id };
select Person { email } filter .id = <uuid>'123e4567-e89b-...';

Object types can either be abstract or non-abstract. By default all object types are non-abstract. You can't create or store instances of abstract types (a.k.a. mixins), but they're a useful way to share functionality and structure among other object types.

abstract type HasName {
  first_name: str;
  last_name: str;

Object types can extend other object types. The extending type (AKA the subtype) inherits all links, properties, indexes, constraints, etc. from its supertypes.

abstract type HasName {
  first_name: str;
  last_name: str;

type Person extending HasName {
  email: str;
  best_friend: Person;

Using in a query:

select Person {
  best_friend: {

Object types can extend more than one type — that's called multiple inheritance. This mechanism allows building complex object types out of combinations of more basic types.

Gel's multiple inheritance should not be confused with the multiple inheritance of C++ or Python, where the complexity usually arises from fine-grained mixing of logic. Gel's multiple inheritance is structural and allows for natural composition.

Show 2 hidden lines...
   last_name: str;

 abstract type HasEmail {
   email: str;

 type Person extending HasName {
 type Person extending HasName, HasEmail {
   email: str;
   best_friend: Person;

If multiple supertypes share links or properties, those properties must be of the same type and cardinality.

This section describes the syntax to declare object types in your schema.

[abstract] type TypeName [extending supertype [, ...] ]
[ "{"
    [ annotation-declarations ]
    [ property-declarations ]
    [ link-declarations ]
    [ constraint-declarations ]
    [ index-declarations ]
  "}" ]

This declaration defines a new object type with the following options:


If specified, the created type will be abstract.


The name (optionally module-qualified) of the new type.

extending supertype [, ...]

Optional clause specifying the supertypes of the new type.

Use of extending creates a persistent type relationship between the new subtype and its supertype(s). Schema modifications to the supertype(s) propagate to the subtype.

References to supertypes in queries will also include objects of the subtype.

If the same link name exists in more than one supertype, or is explicitly defined in the subtype and at least one supertype, then the data types of the link targets must be compatible. If there is no conflict, the links are merged to form a single link in the new type.

These sub-declarations are allowed in the Type block:


Set object type annotation to a given value.


Define a concrete property for this object type.


Define a concrete link for this object type.


Define a concrete constraint for this object type.


Define an index for this object type.

This section describes the low-level DDL commands for creating, altering, and dropping object types. You typically don't need to use these commands directly, but knowing about them is useful for reviewing migrations.

Define a new object type.

[ with with-item [, ...] ]
create [abstract] type name [ extending supertype [, ...] ]
[ "{" subcommand; [...] "}" ] ;

where subcommand is one of

  create annotation annotation-name := value
  create link link-name ...
  create property property-name ...
  create constraint constraint-name ...
  create index on index-expr

The command create type defines a new object type for use in the current branch.

If name is qualified with a module name, then the type is created in that module, otherwise it is created in the current module. The type name must be distinct from that of any existing schema item in the module.

Most sub-commands and options of this command are identical to the SDL object type declaration, with some additional features listed below:

with with-item [, ...]

Alias declarations.

The with clause allows specifying module aliases that can be referenced by the command. See With block for more information.

The following subcommands are allowed in the create type block:

create annotation annotation-name := value

Set object type annotation-name to value.

See create annotation for details.

create link link-name ...

Define a new link for this object type. See create link for details.

create property property-name ...

Define a new property for this object type. See create property for details.

create constraint constraint-name ...

Define a concrete constraint for this object type. See create constraint for details.

create index on index-expr

Define a new index using index-expr for this object type. See create index for details.

Create an object type User:

create type User {
    create property name: str;

Change the definition of an object type.

[ with with-item [, ...] ]
alter type name
[ "{" subcommand; [...] "}" ] ;

[ with with-item [, ...] ]
alter type name subcommand ;

where subcommand is one of

  rename to newname
  extending parent [, ...]
  create annotation annotation-name := value
  alter annotation annotation-name := value
  drop annotation annotation-name
  create link link-name ...
  alter link link-name ...
  drop link link-name ...
  create property property-name ...
  alter property property-name ...
  drop property property-name ...
  create constraint constraint-name ...
  alter constraint constraint-name ...
  drop constraint constraint-name ...
  create index on index-expr
  drop index on index-expr

The command alter type changes the definition of an object type. name must be a name of an existing object type, optionally qualified with a module name.

with with-item [, ...]

Alias declarations.

The with clause allows specifying module aliases that can be referenced by the command. See With block for more information.


The name (optionally module-qualified) of the type being altered.

extending parent [, ...]

Alter the supertype list. The full syntax of this subcommand is:

extending parent [, ...]
  [ first | last | before exparent | after exparent ]

This subcommand makes the type a subtype of the specified list of supertypes. The requirements for the parent-child relationship are the same as when creating an object type.

It is possible to specify the position in the parent list using the following optional keywords:

  • first – insert parent(s) at the beginning of the parent list,

  • last – insert parent(s) at the end of the parent list,

  • before <parent> – insert parent(s) before an existing parent,

  • after <parent> – insert parent(s) after an existing parent.

alter annotation annotation-name;

Alter object type annotation annotation-name. See alter annotation for details.

drop annotation annotation-name

Remove object type annotation-name. See drop annotation for details.

alter link link-name ...

Alter the definition of a link for this object type. See alter link for details.

drop link link-name

Remove a link item from this object type. See drop link for details.

alter property property-name ...

Alter the definition of a property item for this object type. See alter property for details.

drop property property-name

Remove a property item from this object type. See drop property for details.

alter constraint constraint-name ...

Alter the definition of a constraint for this object type. See alter constraint for details.

drop constraint constraint-name;

Remove a constraint from this object type. See drop constraint for details.

drop index on index-expr

Remove an index defined as index-expr from this object type. See drop index for details.

All the subcommands allowed in the create type block are also valid subcommands for the alter type block.

Alter the User object type to make name required:

alter type User {
    alter property name {
        set required;

Remove the specified object type from the schema.

drop type name ;

The command drop type removes the specified object type from the schema. All subordinate schema items defined on this type, such as links and indexes, are removed as well.

Remove the User object type:

drop type User;